What was the Oldest Horror Movie Ever?

What is The Oldest Horror Movie Ever? Watch it Here!

Interested in the oldest horror movie ever made? This movie was filmed over a hundred years ago and it still gives people nightmares today. Well maybe not!

The oldest horror movie ever made is “Le Manoir du Diable” or “House of the Devil ” and was filmed in France in 1896. It is considered to be the oldest and first horror film ever. The film was released in the United States as “The Haunted Castle” and in Britain as “The Devil’s Castle”

What's the oldest horror movie ever? Watch it here!
A Scene from “The Haunted Castle” Pubic Domain

This treasure of a film was presumed lost until 1988 when it was found in the New Zealand film archive.

This movie is a silent-era classic. It was made in the time of black and white movies made with rudimentary cameras, but it still had some extraordinary special effects for its time.

Was this the first Vampire movie?

Even if you disagree with some of the accuracies, Le Manoir du Diable is without question a possible Vampire inaugural horror film. 

It has all the essential trappings of a Vampire story:

  • A protagonist who ventures into dark territory only to be consumed by it.
  • Supernatural forces that tempt and seduce their victims before ultimately consuming them – in this case not just for food but also as hosts themselves! 
  • While Mephistopheles might seem more like your average devil demon at first glance, he does change from bat to human
  • He has a small group of brides
  • He even seems to have a Renfield-type assistant. 

There are enough similarities between him and the vampires from Bram Stoker’s Dracula onwards so we can consider our antagonist both types too.

Plot Summary for Le Manoir du Diable  1896

In the manor of Le Diable, a huge bat transforms into the figure of Mephistopheles and he conjures up an attractive courtesan from his cauldron. The Nobleman (Méliès) enters with only one guard to protect him as they walk through this scary place filled with nefarious creatures that can’t wait for their chance at tempting people like us! 

Where was Le Manoir du Diable made?

The Haunted Castle was filmed outside in the garden of Méliès’s property in Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis, a suburb of Paris with painted scenery.

How long is “Le Manoir du Diable”

This film runs only 3 minutes long and has a lot of liveliness for a short film of its time. It’s also very innovative for its length; its running time of over three minutes was extremely ambitious for its era.

Cast and crew of Le Manoir du Diable  1896

  • Georges Méliès – Actor, Director, Writer.
  • Jehanne d’Alcy – Actress, woman out of the cauldron, real wife of Georges Méliès.

Who was the director Georges Méliès 

What's the oldest horror movie ever? Watch it here!
unidentified photographe, public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Georges Méliès, a French filmmaker who lived from 1861 to 1938, is the creator of “Le Manoir du Diable” (The Haunted Castle) which was released in 1896. The film is one of the first French horror films and it features its titular haunted castle as well as an appearance by Satan himself. 

Georges seemed fascinated with the Horror genre. In his 1894 short film “L’affaire Charles Dexter Ward,” Méliès also portrays a ghostly apparition that appears to a man reading a book about necromancy. 

In 1902, Georges Méliès released another iconic film called A Trip to the Moon. This movie was one of the first science fiction films ever created and has been referenced in many modern pieces of media throughout history.  

What's the oldest horror movie ever? Watch it here!
Le Voyage dans la lune, Public Domain

In addition to these supernatural and Science fiction themes, Georges Méliès is known for his pioneering work with special effects and innovative techniques.

Méliès was a Master of Special effects, popularizing methods including substitute splices, multiple exposures, time-lapse photography, dissolves, and hand-painted color.

He was also one of the first directors to employ storyboards in his films. Méliès’s legacy continues today.

Who was the Actress Jehanne d’Alcy?

She was a French film actress. She was the wife of French cinema pioneer Georges Méliès from 1925 until his death in 1938.

How scary is this old movie from the 1800s really going to be for modern audiences who are used to slasher films from Hollywood in 2018?

Initially, the film was amusing to its 1800’s audience, rather than terror-inducing.

By modern standards, horror fans will watch it for its historical significance to the Horror Genre rather than its appeal to be scared.

Why this movie is so important to the history of cinema and how we view horror films today

What is notable about it is how Méliès used the cinematography of his time in order for the actors to morph from one character into another with just a simple change of scenery and camera angle! 

Though technology did not exist at this time period, he managed without many tools by creating impressive visuals, nonetheless.

There are some fun 19th-century special effects, some of the first-ever to appear on film. People appear and disappear in clouds of smoke, and bats suddenly take human form! 

On the less frightening side, there are quite a few men in funny hats, and the demon pokes people in the butt.

Were there any Bloopers in this movie?

Even in 1896, people were people and as humans, of course, they made mistakes during the filming of this short horror movie! This was a whole new experience for them during this time period. 

  • Watch carefully near the film’s conclusion as a hooded figure bumps into the wall and nearly brings down an entire set. 
  • Perhaps even funnier than that first appearance of ghosts is when they begin bumping into things! 
  • Keep your eye on the ghost on the left as they appear as if they can’t see through the sheet or something else.

Last thoughts

 Georges Méliès was a brilliant director and producer of films during his time. He pioneered and created special effects for many as a path forward in the film industry.

Where can I watch this old film today, and how much will it cost me to buy a copy on DVD or Blu-Ray disc?

No need to buy this vintage gem, the first horror film ever made is now available for free. Watch it right here for FREE on our “Silent, But Deadly Channel”.

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