Welcome to the Vault….Hidden Secrets for your Eyes Only!


 Bela Lugosi is interviewed aboard ship on returning from England after making Vampire Over London.

This is Lugosi’s last on-camera interview from 1955. The Video shows him leaving the California State hospital after a 90-day morphine detox program. Lugosi was the first celebrity to go public with a drug addiction problem. He did this shortly after filming Ed Wood’s “Bride of the Monster”. In this interview he mentions looking forward to working with Wood again on “The Ghoul Goes West”. However, the film was never made and Lugosi died of a heart attack a year later.


 All of the footage of Lugosi shot by Ed Wood and used in his movie Plan Nine From Outer Space. Notice that, contrary to popular belief, Ed never uses the same shot twice. There just happens to be a lot of multiple takes that are similar.


Bela Lugosi’s Mystery House – The Thirsty Death. This broadcast features Bela, the current Vampire, and a future Vampire with a great radio voice, John Carradine. Listen closely at the end of the broadcast, when the announcer states that Bela is starring in “Mystery House” pictures. They were never made.